January 21, 2010

Plainfield ELL’s Meet AMAO for Growth in English Language Proficiency

Each year in the spring all ELL’s (English Language Learners) are required to take the ACCESS for ELL’s English language proficiency test. This test reflects the achievement of limited English proficient students in meeting the State’s Title III Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAO). Students’ scores are compared from the previous year’s performance on the test. Each year the target percent to meet increases by 5% and by the year 2013-14 100% of ELL’s must indicate that they are improving.
The two objectives the district must meet each year are:
· Percent of ELL’s that make progress in learning English
· Percent of ELL’s attaining English proficiency and Exiting language assistance programs within a defined timeframe

The target percent for ELL making progress/exiting language assistance programs this year was 75%

District wide ELL’s attained 79% in making progress.

District wide exiting language assistance programs:
Grades K-4 96.8%
Grades 5-12 90.7%